Friday, 30 September 2011


I have been quite productive today, towards me moving abroad that is.  I paid a visit to the bank (no pun intended), where I changed my details etc...and informed them of my move to Norway, so now everything is settled and prepared for me to be living abroad.  According to the bank i'm no longer living in England as they had to change my address straight away...what a scary thought!  According to them now I am currently living in Norway!  Scary scary.

Other than that I have just been reading in every spare moment that I have.  The weather these past few days has been gorgeous so i've been making the most of it by sitting in the garden with a good book...a really good book, in every spare moment that I can find.  We've had temperatures of around 26 degrees celsius!  Its October tomorrow!!  It feels so strange to be wandering around in strappy tops and sandals knowing that it is October tomorrow. 

The book I am reading is called The Night Circus, written by Erin Morgenstern.  Its absolutely amazing, I only started it yesterday morning and i'm already nearly half way through, i'd definitely recommend it to anyone that likes a bit of magical fantasy, i'm absolutely hooked!  I received this book as I had won a blog giveaway (Thank you Ange!), so glad I won it, I couldn't wait to start reading it and here I am already nearly half way through!  I'll try and write some sort of review if I can once i've finished to give you all some idea of what it's about, I really suggest you take a read and step inside the circus.

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